Master woodworker and designer Edward Wohl graduated from Washington University in 1967 with a BS degree in Architecture. He has been designing and building graceful wood furniture since 1970.

Although being greatly influenced by a summer spent in the home and workshop of California woodworker Sam Maloof, Edward points to long-time friend and industrial designer Bill Stumpf as his primary source of learning and encouragement. “We became close friends in school, and later I worked for Bill, making models and prototypes. I greatly admire Bill and his work, and continue to learn from him to this day.”

With his family, Edward has made his home and workplace among the pastoral hills and valleys of southwestern Wisconsin.

“I make things of wood that I’d like to have myself: functional pieces that are quiet, peaceful, and a pleasure to touch and look at. My approach emphasizes select materials, structural integrity and utility. I like to let the wood do the work — to coax nature to imitate art.”

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